Chennai:The Tamil Nadu Idol Wing CID recovered four bronze idols besides a Tanjore painting concealed at a religious institution in Kumbakonam, police said on Thursday. During the search initiated following a complaint by Ram Niranjan and 20 others of Hindu Munnani, the Idol Wing sleuths found the bronze idols of Lord Nataraj, Goddess Sivakami with Thiruvachi (ornamental arch), Ganesh with thiruvachi and pedestal, Bala Dhandayuthapani and Tanjore painting containing 63 Nayanmars and seized them.
Following the seizure, the idol wing registered a case based on the complaint of Inspector Indira. The seized idols were produced before the Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate, Kumbakonam. In a release here, an inquiry is on to ascertain if the idols were stolen from temples, the Idol Wing said. In their petition, the Hindu Munnani members alleged that the Maunaswamy Math, Kumbakonam, hoarded antique idols.