Chennai:Officials of Tamil Nadu's anti-corruption bureau, Directorate of Vigilance and Anti-Corruption (DVAC), on Tuesday began their search operations at former AIADMK Minister S.P.Velumani's residence in Coimbatore. It is also learnt that searches are being carried out by DVAC officials on the premises of persons who are closely associated with Velumani.
DVAC officials conduct raids at 52 different locations of the former minister including his residence at Kuniyamuthur in Coimbatore. Out of 52 places in the state, 35 are located in Coimbatore, 15 in Chennai, one each in Dindugal and Kancheepuram.
Velumani was the Minister for Local Administration in the AIADMK government led by former Chief Minister K. Palaniswami and was said to be instrumental in the party winning a majority of the seats in the Coimbatore and Western belt in the Assembly polls held in April. The Tamil Nadu government recently told the Madras High Court that it has decided to reopen and probe the complaint against Velumani which was closed earlier when the AIADMK was in power.