Erode (Tamil Nadu): Known to be sympathetic animals, elephants sense each other's sadness and pain and tend to help when distressed. One such incident from the Hasanur forest in Tamil Nadu shows an elephant stuck in a puddle while his companion tries to get him out.
The elephants came to drink water from Arepalayam pond in Hasanur forest. Trying to beat the scorching heat, the jumbos went into the pond when one of them got stuck in the puddle. The other elephant recognised the distress of his companion and offered a helping trunk.
Passersby who saw the heartrending incident stopped and captured the adorable moment on their mobile phone cameras. The video has now trickled out in the social media. In the video, two jumbos in a pond trying to get some relief from the sweltering heat. One of the pachyderms got stranded in the puddle and was unable to move as every step it took was forcing it back to the puddle.