Thirupattur (Tamil Nadu):A sixty year old widow was left shocked when Government officials served a tax evasion notice on her for over Rs. 8 Crore in Tamil Nadu. Gulzar belonging to Periyankuppam near Ambur was left with no choice but to complain to the police, urging them to nab the culprit who misused her documents to run a company.
Gulzar is widowed and has a son and a daughter. Her son is Divyang and her daughter is a heart patient. All three of them are living in a rented house. In this situation, on December 19, two female government officials from Chennai came to the house of old woman Gulzar. They told Gulzar, "You have run a company called IS Enterprise in Sanrorkuppam area and have evaded Rs 8 crores of tax in it".