Chennai: Never missing an opportunity to endear himself to the people of Tamil Nadu by eulogizing the ancient language, Prime Minister Narendra Modi was at it again on Thursday. Landing in the city even as the hashtag #GoBackModi# was trending nationally, he termed as “outstanding” the language and culture as well as the people.
Launching a slew of infrastructure and developmental projects, Modi said his government was fully committed to popularising the Tamil language and culture. To buttress this, he drew attention to the new complex for the Central Institute for Classical Tamil in Chennai and the chair on Subramanya Bharati instituted in the Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, his Lok Sabha home constituency. The Prime Minister's remark is significant in the wake of the recent controversy over Hindi imposition.
On the rich Tamil culture, he said “From Chennai to Canada, from Madurai to Malaysia, from Namakkal (from where Union Minister L Murugan hails) to New York, from Salem to South Africa, the occasions of Pongal and Puthandu (New Year) are marked with great fervor.” The 'son of the soil' Murugan walking on the red carpet in traditional Tamil attire – dhoti – at the Cannes film festival, the PM said had made the Tamil people all over the world proud.
However, Modi was silent on the demand made by Chief Minister MK Stalin on the occasion to accord Tamil Official Language status on an equal footing with Hindi besides making it the language of Madras High Court, one of the four chartered HCs in the country. Skirting this, the Prime Minister said the New Education Policy will greatly help Tamil attain greater development.