Chennai:Accusing the ruling DMK of launching the monthly assistance to women family heads with an eye on the Lok Sabha election next year, AIADMK general secretary Edappadi K Palaniswami on Saturday said the ruling dispensation's calculation of converting the aid into votes will not work.
After promising to provide monthly financial assistance of Rs 1,000 for all women heads of families if the party came to power in the 2021 election, the DMK rolled out the scheme only for women who met the criteria, and that too 28 months after coming to power, he said.
"The aim of providing this assistance after a delay of 28 months is because the Lok Sabha election is scheduled for next year and not out of concern for women... the DMK's day-dream of obtaining women's votes for this monthly aid scheme will not work," Palaniswami said in a statement here.
He demanded the state government to honour its poll assurance and provide monthly aid to all the women family heads. The former chief minister claimed that people are aware of the realities as they have been wilting under the government's steep revision of electricity tariff, property tax, and Metrowater tax besides the spiralling prices of essential commodities including milk.
"As a result, the monthly expenses of every household increased upto Rs 10,000. With the women experiencing difficulties, providing the entitlement amount is but a planned deception," he alleged. With the elections a few months away, people are bound to reply suitably, Palaniswami said. (PTI)