Chennai: DMK President and Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin on Sunday assured all efforts to ensure NEET exemption for the state, as his son and cabinet minister Udhayanidhi led the party's state-wide hunger strike demanding the abolition of the test. The DMK will not stop till Tamil Nadu gets exemption from the central qualifying test, Stalin said, while the opposition BJP slammed the ruling party in the state for "politicising" NEET.
The CM's remarks at a wedding coincided with his party's agitation seeking to do away with the National Entrance-cum-Eligibility Test (NEET). Stalin also took a swipe at Tamil Nadu Governor R N Ravi, who recently said that he would never sign in favour of the state's anti-NEET bill. The CM said now that the matter is with the President, the Governor's job is only that of a "postman" who has to pass on to Rashtrapati Bhavan matters taken up by the state Assembly.
The ruling party's hunger strike was held throughout the state except in Madurai where the AIADMK is holding a massive state conference today. In the temple city, the NEET strike will be held on August 23. At the protest venue at Valluvar Kottam here, DMK youth wing chief Udhayanidhi was joined by senior leaders and cabinet ministers Duraimurugan, Ma Subramanian and P K Sekar Babu, party MPs including Dayanidhi Maran, MLAs and Chennai Mayor Priya R.
On display on the stage was a collage of medical aspirants who died by suicide over NEET, including S Anita of Ariyalur, and floral tributes were paid to them. The DMK's Youth Wing, Students Wing and Doctors Wing were leading the strike on Sunday. Even newlywed couples joined the protest carrying anti-NEET banners.
The hunger strike is being held in the wake of another suicide of an aspirant last week. In his address at the wedding, Stalin reiterated that his party has been opposing NEET ever since it was introduced. NEET was implemented across the country based on a Supreme Court ruling in 2016.