Chennai: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin on Wednesday said that contrary to the negative narrative aimed at tarnishing its image, the DMK is not against spiritualism but is opposed to using religion for political and selfish gains.
"Some people surviving on religion say his government is against religion. But it was not so," Stalin, who as president of the DMK led his alliance to a spectacular victory last year, said. Speaking at a function held under the aegis of the Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments department in Chennai, Stalin accused his detractors of launching a disinformation campaign against him and his party.
"Those using religion for their political survival allege that the Dravidian model of governance is against religion and beliefs. I wish to reiterate that the DMK is not against spiritualism but is against those who use religion to serve their selfish political agenda," he said. Those who knew the culture of religion in Tamil Nadu would understand him, Stalin said.