Chennai: It is a season of legal notices in Tamil Nadu. After releasing the video, DMK Files, listing the “ill-gotten” wealth and assets of the ruling DMK's first family and the party's frontline leaders, Tamil Nadu BJP president K Annamalai finds himself in a corner. He has been receiving legal notices demanding hefty amounts ranging from Rs 500 crore to Rs 100 crore and Rs 50 crore in damages. A few more are likely to come. But, he put up a brave face, maintaining neither an apology nor payment of damages.
“There is no question of rendering any apology or paying damages...if at all anyone has to pay anything, it is the DMK and its Golden President and its leaders who have to return all their ill-gotten wealth back to the people of Tamilnadu,” read his first reply to the notice from DMK organisation secretary RS Bharathi, adding, he “stands by the statements made by him and has made the statements with all responsibility in the larger public interest...after due diligence as to the correctness of the facts and figures.”
The DMK leader had sought an unconditional apology and Rs 500 cr in damages. Following Bharathi, Udhayanidhi Stalin, Minister for Youth Welfare and Sports Development, has slapped a notice seeking Rs 50 crore while party veteran and former Union Minister TR Baalu, MP, had demanded Rs 100 crore. All of them have expressed their desire to put the money into the Tamil Nadu CM's Relief Fund. Next in line is Kanimozhi, MP, who had said in Thoothukudi that she would soon initiate legal proceedings shortly.
In his counter to Bharathi earlier, Annamalai had sought Rs 500 crore plus One Rupee, which he would deposit in the PM-CARES Fund. In his detailed and exhaustive rebuttal to Bharathi, sent through his counsel, the BJP leader first takes up the case of Anna Arivalayam, the expansive DMK headquarters on the arterial Anna Salai. According to him, the Sarkaria Commission had noted that the land was illegally obtained from a zamindar family and though late Chief Minister Jayalalithaa had raised this on many occasions, the DMK had never issued a legal notice then. “Disclosure to Income Tax Department for taxing purposes will not legitimize the acquisition of the properties and it is totally a different issue as to whether the source for purchase is a legitimate source,” reads the reply.