Chennai:With no or little judicial avenue left open to cling on, the legal battle waged by former Deputy Chief Minister and expelled AIADMK leader O Panneerselvam, challenging his removal from the party, appears to have come to naught. On Friday, a Division Bench of Madras High Court dismissed the appeals, refusing to grant any relief. The Bench also declined to interfere with the July 2022 resolution of the party General Council elevating Edappadi K Palaniswami as the sole leader of the party.
Besides OPS, his staunch supporters R Vaithilingam, JCD Prabhakar, and PH Manoj Pandian have challenged the single judge upholding the convening of the AIADMK General Council on July 11, 2022, in which they were expelled and EPS was crowned as the sole leader by abolishing the dual leadership. Till then, the party had OPS as the Coordinator and EPS as the Joint Coordinator of the AIADMK.
Dismissing their petitions, Justices R Mahadevan and Mohammed Shaffiq in the judgment said: “...while several events have unfolded to the displeasure of the appellants and they approached the courts time and again, and after two rounds of litigation, they had not made out a case to prove that injury that is incapable of being repaired or redressed by trial in the suits, has been caused to them at any point of time.”
The bench also drew attention to the party constitution which had made it clear that members have no right to resort to Court Proceedings regarding party matters and in the event of any member defying this and moving against the General Secretary's decision he/she would cease to be a member of the party. Further, the party cons also states that the decision of the General Council is final and binding.