Chennai:Authorities in Tamil Nadu, as part of efforts to prevent the spread of coronavirus use drones, mist cannons and have come up with innovative ideas like using catchy taglines to spur people to walk through the disinfectant tunnels when they visit market places.
In the State capital, which has 172 coronavirus positive cases, the highest when compared with other districts in Tamil Nadu, Greater Chennai Corporation officials use drones in densely populated neighbourhoods like Thiru-Vi-Ka Nagar as children watch the drive with curiosity from their balconies.
"We are using drones in densely populated areas and the results are good," an official said, adding, about six litres of disinfectant liquid was being used for a single trip.
The children are attracted to the buzz of drones which they call a mini-helicopter.
Mist cannons which are huge blowers are mounted on trucks that go around spraying disinfectant fumes in downtown areas and in other containment zones in addition to localities of positive patients.
Butterfly sprinklers-swings up and down like a butterfly's wings when dispensing the disinfectant fog- placed on the rear of tractors are also being used by the civic body for clean up work.
Anti-bacterial fluid containers connected to jet spray guns are taken in light cargo vehicles to easily navigate narrow alleys in city neighbourhoods.
Germicide and bleaching powder was being sprinkled on all roads, alleys and intersections.
Volunteers wearing artistically designed 'coronavirus' crowns are also helping authorities in several areas to drive
home the message of social distancing, personal hygiene and the need to stay indoors.