Chennai: The National Investigation Agency (NIA) arrested two more terrorist operatives on Wednesday in connection with the Coimbatore car comb blast case in Tamil Nadu pertaining to a bomb blast in a car laden with explosives in front of Kottai Eswaran Temple of Coimbatore. The accused, Jamesha Mubeen, after swearing in "bayath" (allegiance) to ISIS was planning to carry out a suicide attack and cause extensive damage to the Temple Complex with the intention to strike terror in the community.
"Today (28.12.2022), NIA arrested another two terrorist operatives in RC-01/2022/NIA/CHE case pertaining to a bomb blast in a car laden with explosives in front of Kottai Eswaran Temple of Coimbatore District. The accused, Jamesha Mubeen, after swearing bayath (allegiance) to ISIS was planning to carry out a suicide attack and cause extensive damage to the Temple Complex with the intention to strike terror in the community," NIA said in a statement.