Tiruchirappalli (Tamil Nadu): Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin on Tuesday reiterated his plea to Prime Minister Narendra Modi during the latter's visit to Trichy, urging him to declare the devastating rains that struck the state a natural calamity. Stalin emphasised the urgent need for National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) funds to facilitate swift relief and restoration efforts in the affected regions.
Addressing the Prime Minister, Stalin highlighted the extensive damage caused to infrastructure and the disruption of livelihood due to the floods triggered by heavy rains last month in Chennai and southern districts. He expressed hope that the Prime Minister would consider the plea as a reflection of the people's demand for assistance in the face of the severe calamity.
Stalin asserted that the responsibility of providing essential assistance, including education and medical support, lies with the state government, emphasising that the request is based on the needs of the people and not mere political rhetoric. He expressed confidence that the Prime Minister would respond positively to the state's plea for support.