Chennai (Tamil Nadu):A sessions court here would frame charges against Tamil Nadu Minister V Senthil Balaji, arrested by the ED last year in connection with a money laundering case, on January 22. Principal Sessions Judge S Alli, before whom Senthil Balaji was produced by the prosecution through video-conferencing from the Central Prison here on Thursday, also extended his remand till January 22.
In her order, the judge said, "accused produced through video conference. Heard the Special PP under section 226 Cr.P.C. Charge framing by January 22, 2024. Petition filed under section 91 (2) Cr.P.C. Check and call by then. Remand extended till then. Accused to be produced in person. When the matter was taken up for hearing, Special Public Prosecutor N Ramesh opened the case for prosecution under section 226 Cr.P.C, which says when the accused appears or was brought before the court in pursuance of a commitment of the case under section 209, the prosecutor shall open his case by describing the charge brought against the accused and stating by what evidence he proposes to prove the guilt.
Ramesh informed the court the prosecution has opened the case by presenting the facts of the case to the court. By examining the 21 witnesses cited in the charge sheet and 77 documents, "we are proposing to prove the charges against Senthil Balaji", he added. Following this, the judge passed the above interim order and posted to January 22, further hearing of the case.