Chennai (Tamil Nadu) : Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin lauded Team India on their Asian Champions Trophy win and announced a cash prize of Rs 1.1 crore for the winning team. The Indian men's hockey team on Saturday produced a resilient performance and staged an incredible comeback to defeat Malaysia 4-3, clinching its fourth Asian Champions Trophy title here at the Mayor Radhakrishnan Hockey Stadium in Chennai.
Stalin took to Twitter to make the announcement and congratulate the team. "Congratulations to #TeamIndia on clinching their 4th #AsianChampionsTrophy title with a fighting comeback! A remarkable feat that showcases their dedication and prowess." tweeted Stalin.
Hockey India also announced a cash prize for the players and support staff, as per a press release from Hockey India. Announcing the cash prize of Rs 3.00 lakhs to each member of the Indian Men’s Hockey Team and Rs 1.50 lakh to the Support Staff, Hockey India President Dr Dilip Tirkey said, "As a former hockey player, I truly believe that a victory in hockey is more than just a win on the field; it is a testament to the dedication and teamwork that fuels our passion. As we commemorate the Indian Men's Hockey Team's magnificent victory at the Asian Champions Trophy Chennai 2023, Hockey India takes great pride in honouring their prowess with a cash award of Rs 3.00 lakh for players and Rs 1.50 lakh to the Support Staff, whose tireless efforts contribute to this success.