Chennai:The Chennai North Beach Police have arrested a man accused of extorting Rs 3 crore from a businessman while impersonating as an officer of the National Investigation Agency (NIA) at the Chennai airport after being on the run for nearly three years, officials said on Tuesday. The accused Taufiq was arrested by the Chennai North Beach Police Station immediately after landing at the Chennai airport from Sri Lanka.
Sources said that the accused is being interrogated by multiple probe agencies. Taufiq was hiding in Sri Lanka since August 2020 after he along with four of his accomplices extorted a businessman Diwan Alias Akbar hailing from Mannady, Chennai, of Rs 3 crore. The incident dates back to Aug. 17, 2020 when Taufiq along with his accomplices intercepted Akbar while posing as NIA officers and took Rs 3 crore from him after threatening to implicate him in a false case and kill him in a fake encounter.
Also read:Tamil Nadu: 2 arrested at Chennai airport, gold worth Rs 3.32 crores seized