Chennai (Tamil Nadu): In a horrifying incident, a 20-year-old man hailing from Kerala was arrested by Tamil Nadu's Chromepet police for allegedly murdering his girlfriend at a hotel and later uploading the photo of her lifeless body as his WhatsApp status. This triggered alarm among their mutual friends who alerted the Chromepet police, official sources said.
According to police sources, 20-year-old Fousia, a second-year nursing student and Ashiq, both hailing from Kerala's Kollam checked in at a hotel on CLC Works Road in Chromepet at around 10:30 am on Friday. The two had been in a relationship for five years and had also married secretly. In their late teens, they had a baby and gave up the child for adoption in Chikamagalur.
Sources said, "Fousia was a nursing student at a college in Chromepet and was staying in a hostel at New Colony. She had not attended college for the last three days."
Investigation into the case revealed that just as the couple entered their hotel room, they got into an argument after Fousia questioned Ashiq about photos of him with another woman on his phone. As the argument escalated, Ashiq hit Fousia and strangled her to death with his t-shirt.