Chennai: A Chennai-based godman Sathiya Narayanan and his wife Pushpalatha were arrested by police on Saturday, under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act and other laws relating to sexual harassment and was produced in court and remanded in judicial custody.
The police said, "the accused couple, Sathiya Narayanan and his wife Pushpalatha have been running Shirdipuram Sarva Sakthi Peedam Trust at Vinayakapuram in Chennai."
The girls relative took her to an ashram when she was studying in 12th. She was called inside a room to be given sacred ash, but Pushpalatha offered a glass of juice.
Two hours later, when she came to her senses she realized that Sathiya Narayanan raped her with the help of his wife.
Later he told her he had performed a pooja to remove her many sins. The couple had taken naked pictures of the victim and warned her not to speak of the incident.