Chengalpattu (Tamil Nadu): The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has filed a chargesheet against alleged conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar and his associate Sanjay Jain alias Sanjay Chicken in the 2019 fraud and extortion case registered in Tamil Nadu. The CBI submitted its chargesheet in the court of the Chief Judicial Magistrate (CJM), Chengalpattu District, TN.
The CBI registered the case in May 2020 on the orders of the Supreme Court of India and took over the investigation of the 2019 FIR registered by the District Crime Branch (DCB), Tiruvallur, Chennai, against one accused. During the investigation, the role of both the said accused emerged.
The accused had allegedly conspired to cheat by impersonating as senior Government officers by using digital devices and offering to help those facing criminal cases. One of the accused had allegedly committed the offence while being in custody parole during October 2019 and also impersonated many senior officers of the Government of India by using call spoofing techniques. He made phone calls to various persons, who were facing criminal cases by different investigating agencies.
Also read:CBI files charge sheet against Lalu Prasad, Rabri Devi in land-for-jobs scam
It was further alleged that the accused had extorted huge sums of amounts as bribes from the victims in the guise of settling their cases and misappropriated the money so collected for his personal use. Sanjay Jain, a resident of Punjabi Bagh, Delhi, was in regular contact with the said accused and used to handle his legal matters by arranging lawyers, dealing with his parole matter, etc.
The investigation has also revealed that the Income Tax Department had conducted raids on the premises of different organizations and individuals including one organization having a temple at Varadaiahpalem, District Tirupati (AP), and other related organizations during October 2019. The said accused contacted one of the persons handling operations of the organization by impersonating himself as the then Law Secretary, Government of India and allegedly pressurized them to pay Rs 7.50 crore.
The accused made 'spoofed calls' to representatives of the said group which promoted the said organization, showing calling numbers as landline numbers of higher government functionaries, which actually originated from outside of India. The accused had also obtained foreign numbers and used them for collecting Rs 2 crore from Mumbai. The CBI had taken custody of the accused. One of the accused (impersonator) is presently in judicial custody. (with agency inputs)