Chennai:Taking the shine off the Dravidian movement and its precursors, a recent study has revealed that despite the rapid strides made in various spheres, caste remains the dominant idiom of social life in the south, than elsewhere in the country. Discrimination of Dalits is very high in this region, compared to other states. This raises a pertinent question about the role of the reform movements and their legacy.
It might be a bitter pill to swallow, but the Pew Research study has brought out the inconvenient truth of continuing caste prejudices in everyday life in South India. While most write-ups on the study, titled “Religion in India: Tolerance and Segregation”, were focussed on the South largely remaining free of communal polarisation, the issue of caste has escaped attention. The findings on this score are significant since they provide a potent weapon to the critics of the Dravidian movement and the Left in Kerala.
Social reform and the struggle against hegemony have a long history in the South, especially in Tamil Nadu and Kerala along with Andhra Pradesh, which were part of the erstwhile Madras Presidency. It is natural that peninsular India takes pride in its progressive trajectory and the achievements made in the sphere of social justice. But, the Pew study lifts the veil on the 'success story' narrative, raising uncomfortable questions.
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Even though they are facing discrimination, Dalits too are not favourably inclined towards inter-religious and inter-caste marriages, espoused by reformers as a means to annihilate caste. Nearly 60 per cent of Dalits, both men and women, the study says, want inter-caste marriages to be stopped. Analysts differ on the reasons for the high prevalence of discrimination against Dalits in the south.