Tiruvannamalai (Tamil Nadu): On Sunday, a car with a Karnataka State vehicle registration number was traveling from Tiruvannamalai towards Bengaluru on Tiruvannamalai-Bangalore National Highway. It collided with a lorry near Pakkiri Palayam Panchayat next to Chengam. The lorry was coming from Singarapettai towards Tiruvannamalai.
In this accident, the lorry and the car collided head-on and caused a high impact accident. The car was completely destroyed and mangled. As a result, seven people including two children, four men, and one woman from the same family who were traveling in the car died on the spot.
Following this, the police and the fire rescue department rushed to the spot and brought out the bodies of the dead people trapped inside the car with the help of the local public. The bodies of the deceased have been taken to the Chengam Government Hospital. Meanwhile, the lorry driver ran away after the accident, so the actual cause of the accident is not yet clear and the police are actively investigating to find out the exact reason for the occurrence of the mishap.
Expressing shock over the ghastly accident, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin condoled the death of the people and conveyed his condolences to the bereaved family members. He announced Rs 2 Lakh relief fund for the families of the deceased. Also, CM instructed the medical and health officials to provide good treatment for injured persons.
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