Chennai:BJP leader and actor Khushbu Sundar on Sunday slammed a DMK platform speaker for his purported remarks about her, taking exception to his "crass comments" and said the National Commission for Women, of which she is a member, will take up the matter by itself.
At a press meet hours after tweeting on the issue, she broke down and was visibly emotional throughout. Sundar said she has already taken up the matter with the Tamil Nadu State Commission for Women. Earlier, she uploaded a video of DMK speaker Sivaji Krishnamurthy on her Twitter page and said " the crass comments of this habitual offender shows the political culture prevalent in DMK."
"There are many like him in that rut. Abusing women, passing lewd cheap comments about them goes unchecked and is probably rewarded with more opportunities." Tagging Chief Minister M K Stalin, she said, "what you don't realise is he not only insults me, but you & a great leader like your father (the late M Karunanidhi). The more space you provide him, the more political space you will lose. Your party is becoming a safe haven for uncouth hooligans. It's such a shame," Sundar said.