Chennai: Salons in Chennai will now check Aadhar card of their customers, before providing them services, as Tamil Nadu government has mandated salon owners to maintain a register of customers, including their Aadhar number from Tuesday.
The new rules from the state government, aimed at containing the spread of COVID-19 and facilitate contact tracing, has made it mandatory for salon owners to maintain record of name, address, Aadhaar and mobile phone numbers of the customers, before providing them services.
While saloons and beauty parlours were allowed to operate in all other parts of the state from May 24, the government permitted them in Chennai police limits from Monday, when the "Unlock 1" phase began.
Principal Secretary Revenue Administration and Disaster Management Commissioner J Radhakrishnan has instructed the Greater Chennai Corporation (GCC) and all district collectors to direct the establishments to keep a record of all their customers and take other appropriate steps to contain the spread of the virus.