Chennai: Tamil Nadu Assembly Speaker M. Appavu has said that a report on the anti-Hindi protests in the state would be tabled in the House during the current session of the Assembly. The report would be debated in the House on Tuesday (October 18). The Speaker also said that the Justice Arumughaswamy Commission report, which had probed into the circumstances of the death of former Chief Minister J.Jayalalithaa will be tabled.
TN: Report on Thoothukudi firing to be tabled in Assembly
Justice Aruna Jagadeesan commission report, which probed the Thoothukudi firing will also be tabled in the Assembly. Speaker M. Appavu also said that if required a discussion on the reports would also be conducted in the Assembly.
Justice Aruna Jagadeesan commission report, which probed the Thoothukudi firing will also be tabled in the Assembly. Speaker M. Appavu also said that if required a discussion on the reports would also be conducted in the Assembly. Tamil Nadu finance minister, P.T.R. Thiagarajan would present the supplementary budget for 2022-23 to the House on Tuesday. A discussion on the supplementary budget will be conducted on Wednesday. The Speaker said that the House would adjourn sine die on October 19. (IANS)
Anti Hindi protest report