Chennai (Tamil Nadu): The Tamil Nadu government is reaching out to Oceanographers of repute to assist the government in the archaeological excavation process at Korkai, the ancient port city of the Pandyan empire.
In a statement on Tuesday, the state minister for Industries, Tamil Culture, and archaeology, Thangam Tenarasu said that several artefacts were recovered from the ancient port city of Korkai showing its maritime connect with Rome, China, and Egypt.
The minister said that excavations in Korkai with guidance from oceanographic experts are necessary to prove the town's age and its rich heritage and culture as well as the trade relations it has had with foreign countries.
Thangam Thenarasu in the statement also said that the earlier excavations from the Pandyan port town has proved beyond doubt the maritime connections it has had with other countries and that a scientific excavation with the able guidance of expert oceanographers would open new vistas on the town and its maritime history.