Namakkal (Tamil Nadu):A low-cost mobile house built on an auto-rickshaw by N.G. Arun Prabhu, has attracted the attention of Anand Mahindra, a billionaire businessman, and the chairman of Mahindra Group.
Arun, who completed his Bachelor of Architecture at MARG Institute of Design and Architecture Swarnabhoomi (MIDAS), developed 'Solo:01' –mobile house on a three-wheeler.
Anand Mahindra lauds Tamilian youth for transforming auto-rickshaw into mobile home He developed the automobile at a cost of Rs 1 lakh in 2019. The house-on-wheels consists of all necessary amenities such as a kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, toilet, foyer, terrace area, additional space for a vendor to do sales, and an upper-level lounge with a shade. The photos of the mobile house were circulated on social media. Recently, the photos caught the attention of Anand Mahindra.
An auto rickshaw transformed into a mobile home Praising Arun in his tweet, Anand Mahindra stated "Apparently Arun did this to demonstrate the power of small spaces. But, he was also on to a larger trend: a potential post-pandemic wanderlust & desire to be ‘always mobile.’
Anand Mahindra lauds Tamilian youth for transforming auto-rickshaw into mobile home Sharing the pictures of the house on tweet Anand said I’d like to ask if he’ll design an even more ambitious space atop a Bolero pickup. Can someone connect us?”.
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Arun has designed the portable house on a three-wheeler to meet the needs of two persons who have a desire to travel. Gipsies are often seen moving around dumping their materials in an autorickshaw. Once they reach a camping place, the vehicle would be idle and they would be living in tents with no proper amenities.
An auto rickshaw transformed into a mobile home Hailing from Namakkal, which is known for building a body for lorries, Arun designed the 36-sq.ft portable house to demonstrate possibilities of creating hygienic, proper housing on a small space with a novel design.
An auto rickshaw transformed into a mobile home Meanwhile, following the tweet from Anand Mahindra, the staff from his automobile major contacted Prabu on Thursday. Speaking to ETV Bharat, Arun Prabhu said, “I have not expected such a response from people. Though I designed and built the mobile house atop an auto two years ago, it attracted the attention of people now.
Anand Mahindra praised me for innovation. Following this, his company staff contacted me over the phone and enquired about designing the mobile house atop an auto. They have also expressed their interest to consult me on designing such a mobile house on the company's Bolero Jeep. They have also assured me that they will contact me to discuss further soon”.
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