Dindigul (TN): Amid the ongoing tussle between the Raj Bhavan and the state government, Tamil Nadu Governor R N Ravi and Chief Minister M K Stalin will share the dais at the Gandhigram Rural Institute's convocation on Friday, which will be attended by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The Prime Minister will be on a two-day visit to southern states, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Telangana and Tamil Nadu, starting Friday to attend various official engagements.
However, the Gandhigram varsity event assumes significance as the TN Governor and CM will share the dais for the first time after the ruling DMK petitioned President Droupadi Murmu seeking recall of the Governor, claiming his acts were "unbecoming" of the person in the gubernatorial post. The Governor and the ruling dispensation are at loggerheads over a number of issues including the pending bill on NEET exemption for Tamil Nadu and his statement on 'delay' in the state government handing over the October 23 Coimbatore car explosion case to the National Investigation Agency (NIA).
Also read:TN Guv stokes 'hatred', DMK and allies to tell Prez