Tiruppur (Tamil Nadu):DMK president and Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin on Sunday sought to make light of the standoff between the AIADMK and BJP in the state, alleging they were pretending to be fighting with each other but were on good terms. The Chief Minister was responding to the AIADMK recently calling off its alliance with the BJP, following differences over the saffron party state chief K Annamalai's alleged critical remarks against Dravidian stalwart, the late CN Annadurai.
Stalin also took a swipe at the ruling BJP at the Centre and Prime Minister Narendra Modi over a slew of issues, including the success of the Chandrayaan-3 mission to the Moon and the successful passage of the women's reservation bill in the Parliament, asking if the government really wanted to implement the quota it should have done it right away. Addressing a booth level agents conference of the DMK here, he referred to the AIADMK-BJP ties.
"They are pretending to be fighting. Inside they are on friendly terms. Why this acting? By supporting the AIADMK, the BJP has to take responsibility for their corruption. By supporting the BJP, the AIADMK has to aid in its communalism." he said, indicating therefore such a stand by the two.
He asked what was the reason behind AIADMK chief K Palaniswami's recent meeting with Union Home Minister Amit Shah, even as the two parties were sparring in Tamil Nadu. Referring to an AIADMK delegation meeting BJP leaders in Delhi two days ago, he said the members of the group flew to the national capital from Kochi and not Chennai and asked "what is the politics behind these mysterious meetings."