Chennai: Amidst the ongoing investigation into a complex drug trafficking case by the National Investigation Agency (NIA), actress Varalaxmi Sarat Kumar has taken to X (formerly Twitter) to strongly deny reports suggesting her involvement. The investigation recently led to the arrest and questioning of Adilingam from the Selaiyur area in Chennai, the 14th individual taken into custody in connection with the case that dates back to March 2020 off the coast of Vizhinjam in Kerala.
They intercepted a boat laden with a substantial 300 kg of drugs, as well as AK-47 rifles and ammunition, which has ignited concerns over potential ties between drug trafficking and proscribed militant factions. Authorities suspected that the profits from the illegal drug trade might have been channelled to support the activities of the banned Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), an organisation notorious for its terrorist activities.
While Adilingam's association with actress Varalaxmi has been brought to light, the actress, who has publicly acknowledged having employed Adilingam as a freelance manager briefly three years ago, has categorically dismissed any direct involvement in the case. In her tweet, she clarified that no summons from the NIA have been issued to her, and she has not been asked to appear for questioning.