Chennai : Popular actor turned politician Gautami Tadimalla on Monday said she resigned from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) out of disillusionment with the party leadership and termed her decision as 'an unimaginable crisis point' in her life. She ended her 25-year association with the saffron, saying that she took the decision with a heavy heart as the party was not supporting her.
Gautami said that she was given assurance over the Rajapalayam seat but it was rescinded at the last minute. Also, she alleged that a section of the party leadership was siding with a person who had defrauded her. Stating that she was swindled of her money, property and documents, she said: "I am at the point where my daughter and I should have been settled, safe and secure" now.
"I had joined the Party 25 years ago to contribute my efforts towards Nation building. Even through all the challenges I have faced in my life, I have honoured that commitment," Gautami said in a letter posted on X to which she had tagged BJP national president Nadda and its Tamil Nadu president K Annamalai.