Chennai:About 1,300 bankers have succumbed to Covid-19 and the number went up drastically between February - May 2021, said a top official of All India Bank Employees' Association (AIBEA).
In a letter to Sunil Mehta, Chief Executive, Indian Banks' Association (IBA), C.H.Venkatachalam, General Secretary, AIBEA said the deaths of bankers due to Covid-19 up to February 2021 was about 600 and has since gone up by 700 to 1,300 in the last two months.
"Our cry to treat bank employees under priority for vaccination was not taken seriously by the Government and now only some 'requests' are being sent to the State Governments," Venkatachalam said.
Read: Test yourself for COVID-19 at just Rs 250!
"Bank employees feel ignored by the Government while they have been doing their duty and serving the people with all the risks," he added.
Venkatachalam also said bank employees are facing innumerable problems in commuting to their branches/offices due to restrictions by the various State Governments through curfews, lockdown, withdrawal of public transport and others.