Tiruppur:A 22-year-old G Lokesh, who set ablaze his girlfriend to death as she was pestering him to get married to, was arrested in Tamil Nadu's Tiruppur, police said Friday. The deceased identified as Pooja, (19), had migrated to Tiruppur from Mumbai, and was working at Palladam town.
On Thursday evening, the girl was seen running on the main road with her entire body covered in flames in Rayarpalayam of Palladam town. Locals doused the fire and rushed her to the hospital besides alerting the police personnel. The girl was admitted to the government hospital in Palladam and was referred to Coimbatore government hospital where she died not responding to the treatment.
In her dying declaration, the girl recounted the turn of events which led to her being set on fire. It is learnt the girl and Lokesh were in a relationship for almost two years. "I had called Lokesh to meet me on Thursday. He came. We were discussing about our future when he attacked me," police quoted the victim as saying.