Kancheepuram (Tamil Nadu): Nine workers died and 12 others were injured in a blast at a firecracker factory in the Kancheepuram district of Tamil Nadu on Wednesday. According to police sources, there were more than 30 workers inside the factory when the incident took place. The incident took place in the Kuruvimalai Valalthottam area.
They further revealed that the workers were engaged in manufacturing and storing firecrackers, and an explosion rocked the area. The impact of the blast was such that the building collapsed due to its impact. The blast also triggered a massive blaze in the building, police said.
According to police, three out of the nine deceased are yet to be identified. The remaining six have been identified as Bhupathi (age 57), Murugan (age 40), Sasikala (age 35), Devi (age 32), Sudarshan (age 31) and Vidya (age 30).