Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu): An eight-year-old boy was killed after being hit by a car while riding a bicycle near his house. The deceased, identified as Raifudeen Basheed, was crushed to death by Syed Mohammed from Pothanur, Vannarapettai in Coimbatore district who was trying to park his car. A case has been registered against the driver.
The accident happened on Sunday when Syed Mohammed, who recently bought a car and is new to driving, raised the accelerator instead of the brakes and lost control of the car. The victim, who was nearby, was sandwiched between the car and the wall of a house.
As per the sources, Raifudeen was cycling near his house when he saw Syed Mohammed trying to park the car. The boy stood there to watch the car. After waiting there for some time, the boy started to pedal the bicycle. At the same time, Syed Mohammed also moved his car forward as he lost control and crushed the boy to death.