Chennai: Vellore parliamentary constituency recorded nearly 72 per cent polling on Monday, officials said.
There were no untoward incidents, police said, even as there were some reports of EVMs and VVPATs malfunctioning.
Tamil Nadu Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) Satyabrata Sahoo said, "About 72 per cent" of the total 14.32 lakh voters cast their votes on Monday in the six Assembly constituencies covered under the Vellore Lok Sabha segment."The final figures are still awaited."
The constituency is witnessing a fight between AIADMK and DMK, with AC Shanmugam of the ruling party taking on Kathir Anand, son of senior DMK leader Durai Murugan. Counting of votes will be taken up on August 9.
The poll outcome is being keenly awaited as a win for the AIADMK would be seen as an endorsement of Chief Minister K Palaniswami's two-year rule, although the party had little to boast of in the April 18 polls.