Chennai:In a surprising turn of events, two police officers of Velipalyam Police Station in Tamil Nadu were suspended from service after they joined the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) while on bandobust duty.
The incident occurred on December 27 in the coastal Nagapattinam district when BJP state president K Annamalai was conducting a roadshow 'En Mann, En Makkal' (My Land, My People).
Special Sub Inspector Karthikeyan and Sub Inspector Rajendran, were posted on duty at the roadshow in Avurithidal, a small town. Sources said the two cops went to a BJP stall where new members were getting enrolled. In order to become a member, one needs to give a 'missed call' from their mobile phones. Sources aid Karthikeyan and Rajendran, made a 'missed calls' on the BJP's phone number, in their uniforms, which is a clear violation of the service rules.
A senior police officer in Nagapattinam district said, "This is a violation of the service rules and a breach of protocols". The act was also captured on camera, he added.