Kota:A day after posters of former Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje were removed from the state BJP headquarters, several posters of 'Searching for missing' have been seen in different parts of Jhalawad districts. The message in these posters claim that the Raje, the BJP MLA from Jhalwad along with her son Dushyant Singh, MP from Jhalawar-Baran have been "missing" amid the coronavirus pandemic outbreak and those finding the two shall be rewarded.
The posters, as per the message, have been put on behalf of 'tormented people of Jhalawad'. The posters depict pictures and designations of Raje and Dushyant and question where have the two gone?
Read:Raje's 'Power Play' for Raj begins
"You should not be scared to come back, we the people shall forget everything in two to four days and you can then continue with your corrupt arrangements. No one shall say anything to you," read the message. BJP sources said that Raje and Dushyant have been shuttling between Delhi and Dholpur and have been missing from the ground of Jhalawad which have left the people aggrieved amid the pandemic.