Kota (Rajasthan): In yet another case of a student ending her life in India's coaching hub, a 22-year-old National Entrance-cum-Eligibility Test (NEET) aspirant died by suicide on Thursday night in a private hostel room located in the Mahavir Nagar Pratham area of Rajasthan's Kota. The student, identified as Nisha, daughter of Asan Singh Yadav, was originally from Nagla Jodha area in the Auraiya district of Uttar Pradesh.
Head constable Ranjit Singh of Jawahar Nagar police station said that the deceased used to stay up late at night for study purposes. But on Wednesday night, her family members were unable to contact her. Thereafter, the family members decided to call the hostel operator, and he immediately reached to knock on the door.
Since there was no response, the person informed the police control room after which police officials arrived at the spot at 1:45 am. They had to break open the door and found the student dead. The deceased student's family reached Kota on Thursday morning after which doctors conducted the post-mortem in the mortuary of MBS Hospital.
The body was handed over to the relatives post the autopsy. Asan Singh, the father of the deceased, said he had admitted Nisha to the coaching centre in May this year. "She used to sit in (coaching centre) exams every month and I used to get all the reports. Everything was alright. I used to visit her every month. I even took her home a few times. I had brought her back on the 18th of this month," Singh said.