Jodhpur: Union Minister Smriti Irani's daughter's wedding ceremony will be held on February 9 in Khimsar Fort of Rajasthan's Nagaur district. Preparations for the marriage ceremony are on from Tuesday onwards. Smriti Irani was supposed to reach the Jodhpur airport on Tuesday, however, her husband Zubin Irani, who reached the airport, told the media that Smriti Irani will reach on Wednesday.
Smriti Irani's daughter Shanelle Irani got engaged to NRI Arjun Bhalla in December 2021 at the 500-year-old Khimsar Fort in Rajasthan. Shanelle Irani is a lawyer by profession. She completed her law course from the Government Law College in Mumbai and then got an LLM degree from Georgetown University Law Centre in Washington DC.
Also read:I will see them in Court of Law: Smriti Irani after Congress' allegation against daughter
According to reports, Arjun Bhalla is an MBA degree holder and lives in Canada. After the engagement in 2021, Smriti Irani shared pictures of the engagement on social media and posted a post welcoming Arjun to her family. "Arjun Bhalla lives in our hearts now," she wrote. "Welcome to our household. You will face a crazy father-in-law and an even worse mother-in-law. May God bless," she wrote in a funny way.
Speaking to reporters, Smriti Irani said that her elder daughter's name was given by actor Shah Rukh Khan. She made the statement when she was asked to comment on the boycott call against the movie 'Pathaan'. Smriti Irani is the Minister of Women and Child Development and the Minister of Minority Affairs.