Bhilwara: Three men including two brothers were electrocuted to death while digging a borewell in Rajasthan's Bhilwara district on Wednesday, police said. The deceased have been identified as Shivlal (35) son of Ghisu Lal Gurjar, a resident of Ganglas, and Suresh, son of Dhanna Gurjar and Sonu, son of Dhanna Gurjar, both residents of Jodhdas, Police Station Rayala in-charge Sunil Chowdhary said.
He said that the incident happened at around 4 pm on Wednesday when a live electrical wire of a motor fell into the borewell while the trio was working inside it leading to their death on the spot. It is said the trio was digging the borewell in the field of one Dhanna Gurjar in village Jodhadas of Gram Panchayat Eras of Asind Panchayat Samiti.