Tonk/Sirohi (Rajasthan):Rajasthan police on Tuesday night recovered the bodies of three minor girls from a water pit here in the Kalyanpura of Deoli area. Upon being informed by locals police rushed to the spot. Police sources said that the the dead bodies were recovered following a prolonged rescue operation. They also said that police have started a probe into the matter to figure how ther bodies ended in the pit and the reason behind the death of the three minors.
The three deceased have been identified as Kiran Jakhar (10), Lastina Meena (12) and Riya Meena (9), police said adding that Riya and Lastina were sisters and their father has been identified as of Nandkishore Meena.
Speaking to reporters about the incident Station Officer Devli Jagdish Meena, who rushed to the spot to recover the bodies said that since no one was near the spot when the bodies were discovered, the reason behind the accident is yet to be ascertained." Prima facie it seems, that all three have drowned in the process of saving one of them after that child somehow fell into the pit," he added.