Jodhpur (Rajasthan):At least three labourers died after allegedly inhaling leaked poisonous gas during the cleaning of a salt well in Rajasthan's Jodhpur, the police said on Sunday. The incident took place on the Halka border of the Jamba Police Station area in the nearby Phalodi district. The deceased have been identified as Laxman (23), Jaitaran (21) and Tilok Ram (30).
On receiving the information, the police and District Collector and Superintendent of Police reached the spot. The police then shifted the bodies to Phalodi Hospital. Superintendent of Police Hanuman Prasad Meena said, "60 feet-deep salt well, which was closed for 30 years was opened for cleaning. Two labourers, Laxman and Tilok entered the well and Jaitaran stayed outside. Both the labourers started suffocating after inhaling the poisonous gas. When there was no response from either of them for a long time, the third labourer also entered the well."