Jaipur: The Rajasthan police registered a case against Sadhavi Prachi for making inflammatory remarks against a particular community during the screening of the movie 'The Kerala Story' in Jaipur's Vidyadhar locality. The case was registered against Sadhvi Prachi at Vidyadhar Nagar police station in Jaipur on Wednesday. The case was registered against her for delivering a provocative speech at a cinema hall where the movie was screened. Assistant Sub-Inspector (ASI) Madan Lal of Vidyadhar Nagar police station has confirmed the registration of an FIR against Sadhvi Prachi.
It was stated in the FIR that the film 'The Kerala Story' was screened on May 14 at Fun Star Cinema located at Fun Square in Jaipur's Vidyadhar Nagar area. Keshav Arora, Ashish Soni and Vijender had booked tickets for seeing the movie. Sadhvi Prachi, along with Hindu Yuva Vahini activists Bharat Sharma, Keshav Arora and others, arrived at the cinema hall. When the movie 'The Kerala Story' was over, Sadhvi Prachi made provocative remarks against a particular community. The probe into the matter has begun, police said.