Tonk (Rajasthan): A teacher of a government school at Banetha village in Rajasthan's Tonk district has been suspended by the education department on Monday for allegedly thrashing a Class X boy. On November 18, the teacher Narendra Jain posted at Banetha Government Senior Secondary School thrashed the student in such a way that his condition worsened, and eventually he became unconscious, sources said. Later, he was admitted to a private hospital where the doctors said there was a fracture in his spine.
Teacher suspended for assaulting student in Rajasthan's Banetha village
The student's father lodged a complaint against the teacher at Banetha police station regarding the incident on November 19. Taking quick action, the education department suspended the teacher.
Rajasthan: Teacher suspended for assaulting student, fractured spine
Also read:Andhra Pradesh: Teacher brutally thrashes students in Uravakonda
The student's father lodged a complaint against the teacher at Banetha police station regarding the incident on November 19. Taking quick action, the education department suspended the teacher.