Jaipur: In a chilling resemblance to the murder of Shraddha Walker by her boyfriend Aftab Poonawalla, a youth has allegedly killed his aunt and cut her body into pieces in Vidyadhar Nagar police station area of the Rajasthan capital Jaipur, police said. The accused is alleged to have stored the body parts in the kitchen and disposed them of in the nearest forest area, police added. It is said that the alleged murder came to the fore when the daughter of the slain Saroj reached the house while the accused identified as Anuj was cleaning the blood stains in the kitchen after disposing of body parts. She grew suspicious and informed the police.
Also read:Another Shraddha-like murder: Mother-son duo kills husband, chops body into 10 pieces
In the subsequent police interrogation, police said that the alleged murder took place on the evening of December 11. On the same day, Anuj called Pooja, the slain woman's daughter at her in-laws' house in Bikaner and told her that Saroj had gone to feed the cow in the evening and did not return home after that.
Anuj told Pooja that he had lodged a missing complaint with the Vidyadhar Nagar police station and the police were trying to trace her. Pooja did not believe Anuj and without informing him, reached the flat in Jaipur on December 13 where Anuj and his mother reside. When Pooja reached there, Anuj was washing blood stains in the kitchen.
When Pooja asked Anuj about the blood, Anuj said that he had a nosebleed and left the spot. Pooja first told her sister about this and then informed the police, which arrested the accused. Police are expected to issue a detailed statement about the case. It is said that the accused lives with the slain Saroj and her two daughters at the Vidyadhar Nagar area. Both the daughters of the slain are married while her son lives abroad. Saroj's husband died 27 years ago.
DCP North Paris Deshmukh said that after killing his aunt, Anuj watched several videos on YouTube on how to hide the body. He also watched videos related to Shraddha murder case and read some articles regarding the incident following which he dismembered his aunt's body with a marble cutter and disposed of it