New Delhi: The Supreme Court bench led by Justice Rohinton Fali Nariman, issued a notice to the Rajasthan government seeking their response in the investigation probing the 3-year-old killing case of a 3rd-year student of National Law University, Jodhpur after victim's mother demanded to transfer the case from the police to CBI.
The bench, also comprising Justices Navin Sinha and B R Gavai, asked them to file their replies within two weeks, and said that it would hear the state about the status of the probe conducted by police. Besides seeking transfer of case from the Crime Branch, Jaipur, Nagaich has sought a direction to the CBI to take all steps to "solve the mystery of the unnatural death".
It was hearing a petition filed by the mother of the student who contended that the state investigation agencies failed to register a FIR for a period of 10 months after the incident and it utilamtely registered on insistence but very reluctantly.
"Despite lapse of almost three years, no chargesheet has been filed. The investigation is at a stand still, with no effort made to apprehend the offenders," alleges the mother.