Jodhpur:The Rajasthan police arrested five persons and detained 29 examinees on Saturday in connection with an alleged paper leak of the Rajasthan Eligibility Examination (REET) 2023 exam in Jodhpur. It is learnt that the accused had collected Rs 10 lakhs from the students in this regard. The police are interrogating the accused.
A group of students were caught while they were solving the REET question paper in a Udaygarh marriage palace on Banad Road this morning. The police found that the answer key was being read out to the students. A laptop and printer have been seized from the spot. DCP Amrita Duhan said acting on a tip-off, police raided the marriage hall this morning. It was found that the question paper, along with the answer key, was being read out to students from WhatsApp, she said. "We detained the students for questioning. Later, they were sent to their respective exam centres," Duhan said.