Jaipur: Rajasthan's Anti-Corruption Bureau on Thursday arrested an ED officer, who is posted in Manipur's Imphal, and an associate here for allegedly accepting a bribe of Rs 15 lakh, officials said. The accused officer was allegedly demanding Rs 17 lakh in lieu of settling the case against the complainant in the chit fund case.
Rajasthan's Anti-Corruption Bureau arrests ED officer in Imphal for taking bribe of Rs 15 lakh: Police
Rajasthan's Anti-Corruption Bureau arrests ED officer in Imphal for taking bribe of Rs 15 lakh
Published : Nov 2, 2023, 1:56 PM IST
|Updated : Nov 2, 2023, 2:13 PM IST
According to a statement of the Bureau, those arrested are Naval Kishore Meena, Enforcement Officer of the Enforcement Directorate (ED) in Imphal and his local associate Babulal Meena. The complainant informed the Bureau that a bribe amount of Rs 17 lakh was allegedly demanded by Naval Kishore Meena for settling the case registered against him in the office of the ED in Imphal.
After verifying the complaint, the ACB team arrested the two for allegedly taking a bribe amount of Rs 15 lakh. Naval Kishore is a resident of Vimalpura village of Bassi of Jaipur district, while his associate Babulal is working as a Junior Assistant in Sub Registrar Office of Mundawar in newly formed Kotpulti-Behror district.