Udaipur:In a chilling incident, a case was registered in Rajasthan's Udaipur against a man for raping his daughter. The incident occurred in the city's Bawalwada Police Station limits, with the accused currently absconding, police officials noted. As per a police complaint lodged by the victim's mother, the crime took place on June 9, 2022, when the 15-year-old was taken away from their residence and subsequently raped by the accused.
The complainant further noted that the case came to fore after she noted behavioural discrepancies in the girl throughout months, who eventually revealed the ordeal. Following this, a case was registered in Bawalwada PS on Tuesday evening under sections 3 and 4 of the POCSO Act as well as IPC Section 376. As per police, the complaint further accuses the girl's grandparents and her aunt of cooperating with the accused.