Jaipur: The Rajasthan government on Saturday fixed the rate for Covid-19 RT-PCR tests by private labs in the state at Rs 800, slashing it by Rs 400.
Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot said the government ordered the lowering of the Covid test rates from Rs 1,200 to Rs 800 following a drop in test kits' prices.
The state government issued the order slashing the Covid-19 test rate by private labs soon after the chief minister digitally inaugurated a 70-bed Covid-19 Intensive Care Unit in RUHS Hospital hee and disease testing labs in six towns. Speaking during the programme, Gehlot said his government is making all efforts to strengthen the Covid-19 management infrastructure.
“People should not be worried by the rise in positive cases as they will do due to the increasing number of tests,” he said. He sought to assure people of “encouraging” recovery rate in the state, saying Rajasthan has a Covid death rate below one per cent -- one of the lowest in the country.
Gehlot said the corona infection must not be hidden at any stage because delaying treatment makes the disease fatal. He said those who did not get themselves screened timely had to undergo treatment in hospital.